
t1_jegyomt wrote

"Adopted" needs to be in the heaviest of quotes. Those disgusting, entitled assholes kidnapped her, lied to her family, and manipulated their way through US courts to get their way. And they still get to keep her and have a chance at arguing their case. That poor girl needs to be returned to her family, and Mast needs to be dishonorably discharged and he and his family need to face criminal charges for their actions.


t1_j7wsa8k wrote

The government successfully started prosecuting mafia members for tax fraud. Perhaps a more circuitous route will be successful in here too. It's still a path to more renewable energy, even if it's about profits. Isn't that one of the whole capitalist arguments anyway--sway the market using money? They used it as an excuse to keep producing oil and gas, and now it's being used against them.

Ninja edit: I'm not saying that they actually care about green energy. I'm positive it's about money. But it's still a win for green energy and climate causes if they win/enact changes.