tarzan322 t1_j1gc4ls wrote
Reply to Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
I see these results as possibly being skewed by a few common social issues. One, low testosterone may be associated with those that tend to be bullied or victimized a lot in life, and their seeming lack of generosity may be the result of not trusting others, and a higher dependence on ones own actions to survive. The other, high narcissicism and testosterone may be associated with being possibly more successful financially, and the use of charity for tax write-offs. It just doesn't make any sense that a narcissist would be charitable without outside influences for being that way, unless they view themselves as some humanistic saviour.
tarzan322 t1_iuap6bu wrote
Reply to comment by UpstairsImagination2 in Newly discovered species of bacteria in the microbiome may be a culprit behind rheumatoid arthritis by geoxol
Yes, that's in there I believe.
tarzan322 t1_iu7wwuw wrote
Reply to Newly discovered species of bacteria in the microbiome may be a culprit behind rheumatoid arthritis by geoxol
This is interesting. RA is one of the 7 conditions also linked to people having Mononucleosis as a kid. The other CV conditions include Lupus, Celiacs, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and two I can't remember at the moment. All of these conditions feature inflammation as a marker. I wonder if the same bacteria or a similar bacteria may be found in those patients?
tarzan322 t1_jbk30hq wrote
Reply to Meet The World's Cleanest Fully Electric Car That Removes Carbon Dioxide From The Air by Anderson069
Electric is great, but I still believe we need hydrogen cars. It provides us with 2 benefits. One, it is split cleanly to make electricity. The other is that it also has water as a byproduct. And with the push to end fossil fuel use for cars, we could convert gas stations into hydrogen stations, with another added benefit. A tank could be added to hydrogen cars to collect the water produced. When you go to a hydrogen station to refuel, you can pump out the water in the same action to be collected by the station, and sent back into the public water system adding back some of our water we will be losing through climate change.