
tedyasso t1_j5umvgz wrote

I think this is also another case where an article title misrepresents what the article is supposed to be about. There are plenty of people who don't read books for understandable reasons (like a learning disability or preference for audio so they can layer that over, say, long drives) but are still intellectually curious in other ways. That's a whole other discussion than people who literally argue against reading books simply because it's long-form media because they only find value in things that have been 'optimized'/shortened to their personal preferences (like the six-paragraph blog post comment, good lord lol).


tedyasso t1_j5twlre wrote

So you posted a link to an article about people who don't like to read books, and then took the time out of your day to take a shit all over the article's writer and his career choice to be a writer because you disagree with one of his points? Fascinating. *slow clap*