
testurmight t1_ja76ltg wrote

Hello all, I am very new to this space.

I currently have a focusrite 2i2, 3rd gen for my microphone. I have come across a few threads that seem pretty old (3-8 years) some suggesting these can drive reasonably high impedance headphones if you don't crank the volume, while others suggesting a different amp altogether. I am seeking headphones at my PC for a general music listening experience across a wide range of genres - nothing for professional work/monitoring. At a budget of $200-400 USD what would you recommend as the most practical listening experience? I would prefer not adding an additional amp, but if the listening experience is materially better I don't mind having some additional hardware.

Would I be better off with either:

A) Lower impedance headphones with my focusrite 2i2 such as

  • 80 ohm DT 700/DT770s
  • HD 598s
  • any other low impedance over ear headphones


B) higher impedence headphones + a more powerful amp such as

  • HD 600s + magni 2
  • Some other combination (please suggest)

Thank you for your input in advance