
tex8222 t1_jczuv02 wrote

OP kinda sounds like…. ‘If she moves away, and she is successful she may never come back, and if she isn’t successful, when she comes back she will have so much personal growth through the experience that she won’t be interested in me anymore. So how do I derail her plans and keep her world small?’

Or as the old song asks: “How you gonna keep ‘em down on the farm after they’ve seen Jerseeeey?”


tex8222 t1_j6hv84q wrote

Yeah, I don’t blame the landlords one bit for inserting this clause. They are leasing to YOU and YOU are responsible for making all the payments.

If something happens, contact the landlord and see if there is a way to negotiate an early termination. They might let you out of the lease if you pay them something less than the full amount of the payments, but they aren’t required to.


tex8222 t1_j2bpp9r wrote

The real proof of direction will be the upcoming quarter. We shall see if Teala continues to post huge percentage increases compared to 2022..

As long as sales continue to increase by 50% or more compared to the same quarter for the prior year, everything will be fine.


tex8222 t1_iv199hs wrote

First, all new hires get a 401k type plan with employee matching, like large company private sector employees do.

Second, for all emloyees who are not vested (less than 5 yrs employed, I think, it might be 10) refund their pension contributions and put into a 401k and match it. (yes, the employees pay into the pension, it isn’t free to them.) Then 401k going forward.

As for the vested employees, leave them alone. They have a legal and contractual right to their plan because they are vested. This can’t be abolished on the state level because federal laws also apply.

Over time (decades) the retirees will die off and the pension obligation will go away.

Doing something like this will be HARD. We can’t just wish this problem away.


tex8222 t1_isvnox1 wrote

I’m OK with this concept -

Here is my ‘Shore’ definition: ‘All areas east of the Garden State Parkway from the Driscoll Bridge to Cape May.’