
thatoneguy889 t1_jef3hpq wrote

To add to the other comments, this case was kind of the last straw that lead to the creation of the FBI. Before, it was the BOI (Bureau of Investigation) which could literally only just investigate and take their findings to local authorities who would decide whether or not to do anything with it. BOI personnel had no arresting power and weren't even allowed to carry weapons when acting in their official capacities.


thatoneguy889 t1_iwm2o8l wrote

There's a friend of a family friend of mine that's one of those disgustingly wealthy people you've never heard of. His son applied to a very prominent and prestigious university, but didn't get in because he fucked around in high school and his grades sucked. The guy basically donated a new wing to the university's library or something like that and a few weeks later the son got a letter in the mail saying his admission was reconsidered and he got in.