
thatsomebull t1_izc25vq wrote

I detest people ringing my doorbell. I work 4 am to noon, and if you make my dog bark…I will NOT be merry.

But if you just walk around a downtown area singing, that’d be cool.


thatsomebull t1_itp90db wrote

How about not swearing or acting like a know it all. I am asking because a family member who is critically/terminally ill just received notice. As their primary caregiver now I have to chase down a doctors note, where to send it, etc. I asked here because it may not be worth the effort.

But hey thanks for your opinion I guess.


thatsomebull t1_isf3463 wrote

Applying for a state job and landing a state job are two entirely different things. If you are “considering applying” you’re a long way off from worrying about a pension.