There will always be bad cops. There will always be absentee fathers. My Dad is and was neither. 1975 after a graveyard shift. Submitted by the_undertow t3_zzpxem on December 31, 2022 at 9:05 AM in OldSchoolCool No comments 2
the_undertow OP t1_j282wrl wrote on December 30, 2022 at 8:55 AM Reply to comment by Dave-justdave in LPT - As a meddling professor, I urge my students to try making dinner for a date. It is amazing to see the goodwill that is created by a jar of pasta sauce and some noodles. by the_undertow I should have mentioned that. Not because it is imperative for those who have allergies, but because vampires and you can never be too safe. Permalink Parent 8
the_undertow OP t1_j27z9wp wrote on December 30, 2022 at 8:08 AM Reply to comment by MixesLiesWithTruth in LPT - As a meddling professor, I urge my students to try making dinner for a date. It is amazing to see the goodwill that is created by a jar of pasta sauce and some noodles. by the_undertow you guys are really reaching into the elite status of being able to afford such luxuries! also, fun fact, I live in WI - you can put sweet cream on anything. Permalink Parent 3
the_undertow OP t1_j27wbdn wrote on December 30, 2022 at 7:30 AM Reply to comment by Joe_Primrose in LPT - As a meddling professor, I urge my students to try making dinner for a date. It is amazing to see the goodwill that is created by a jar of pasta sauce and some noodles. by the_undertow Haha. I think my accounting terms got in the way. Goodwill = some sort of appreciation. Permalink Parent 17
LPT - As a meddling professor, I urge my students to try making dinner for a date. It is amazing to see the goodwill that is created by a jar of pasta sauce and some noodles. Submitted by the_undertow t3_zyu5kp on December 30, 2022 at 7:19 AM in LifeProTips 27 comments 71
the_undertow OP t1_j282wrl wrote
Reply to comment by Dave-justdave in LPT - As a meddling professor, I urge my students to try making dinner for a date. It is amazing to see the goodwill that is created by a jar of pasta sauce and some noodles. by the_undertow
I should have mentioned that. Not because it is imperative for those who have allergies, but because vampires and you can never be too safe.