
thefifeman t1_j6xnsta wrote

Or, ya know, you could stop being xenophobic, try and solve wealth inequality, and stop kicking down at those less fortunate than you and start punching up at the politicians and business leaders who enact policies and take actions that keep these people in "certain parts" in poverty?

At some point you boomers (even if you're not that old, you've got the mentality) better realize that punishment doesn't fucking solve things. Violent crime, 95% of the time, stems from poverty. Build up that community, and you'll see less crime.

Want evidence? Go Google the war on drugs. Crackdowns and harsh punishments made the situation worse. Meanwhile if you look at the Housing First initiative being taken to alleviate the homeless problem, you'll see that if you temporarily lift people out of poverty, they'll often keep themselves afloat moving forward.


thefifeman t1_itzi4b1 wrote

Had a ~2yo male cat, who we suspected spent most of that time on the street, then went out and adopted a ~3 week old kitten. Our old man actually grew mammaries and started breast feeding the little guy for a while. Was the strangest thing, but the vet said that happens sometimes, and that our old man probably sired a few kittens himself before being caught and neutered.