
thekuroikenshi t1_iw3726h wrote

You are making huge leaps in logic between (a) virus mutation, (b) transmission among the populace, and (c) "quick" development of the vaccine.

(a) That SARS-CoV-2 mutates quickly makes it that much harder to develop vaccines against it. Unless we find other structures on the virus that are less prone to mutation and we can attack those, it will be an uphill battle no matter what. You only have to look at the flu and the flu vaccine to see how much work have left to do.

(b) It's not much of a stretch to say that vaccines helped to reduce general populace transmission. Vaccinated > immune system clamps down on COVID viral load earlier > less viral particles spread around. The problem is that SARS-CoV-2 can infect at a relatively low threshold, it looks like.

(c) mRNA vaccines have been in development for several decades now: We had the mRNA vaccine a few weeks after the pandemic swept the world. This is hindsight though, after clinical trials involving over 46,000 people all over the world indicated the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. You don't know this until you put in the work.


>Now that the hospitals have a labor shortage I'm sure the hospitals are regretting succumbing to the church of covid braintrust.

If you think labor shortages have nothing to do with the crush of COVID patients they've had to deal with during this pandemic and now the surge of RSV, you are naive.