
thenatureboyWOOOOO t1_iuhfwbi wrote

Spent a few years in Baltimore between DC stops. The short answer is yes; I paid similar monthly prices for 4x the square footage, but MD isn’t exactly a bargain shopper of a state overall.

However, as others have posted, you have to live in Baltimore. It has its spots, the neighborhoods can be quite charming and the people in general are much friendlier, I found. That being said, it’s a city you have to talk yourself into. If you think kids run amuck in DC, boy are you in for a treat. There are large sections of the city where you just shouldn’t go, it isn’t exactly the cleanest, the roads are a mess and good god i saw more reckless drivers than anywhere in my life, on a daily basis.

If you’re considering living in the city look in Fells Point or Canton. Just my two cents. The Towson area just north is nice as well.