
theratthief t1_j9mu4s8 wrote

As a wisp of frosty wind ran through the streets of San Francisco, everybody was disturbed. People of every background could see but could not fathom what was set before their eyes; a figure standing in the mist, twisting everybody who saw it into a raving lunatic. Figures like this were appearing across the globe, shattering the minds of the unworthy. Whenever a devoted christian laid eyes upon this Stygian beast, however, they would prostrate themselves and begin praying to the lord. They then began to ascend into the sky and frolic in the wind, experiencing a sort of nirvana.

After some days, which felt like centuries to the ones below, the beings began to glow with a divine light, and unify in a speech that not even the most cunning scholar could begin to understand. Along with the glowing beings, all of the devout vanished from the sky and left no trace of their existence.After this incident, the ones left on the earth suffered greatly; many of the holy men had generous positions, and thus left many to starve. An everlasting winter also diminished the world population to nearly three billion. The survivors (And their descendants, at that) were all left with a strange calligraphic marking on their forehead, in a language never before read on the Earth.


Decades later, there were still humans living on, albeit in harsh conditions. The past calamity, as I will henceforth refer to as the Rapture, for many people understood it to be so, had scarred society and every person who lived.

The Rapture and its lasting effects almost completely halted scientific research, leaving it at a sloth-like pace. Using the voice samples and limited written samples, some scientists were able to make a very basic cipher for the language, although the human tongue could not produce the sounds required to speak it, shrouding the Rapture in even more mystery.

On the exponentially colder streets of New York, a young man struggled to walk through the ice. His name was Frank Williams, and he had been forced to live in the difficult life of a human on the new Earth. He was uncannily smart for his generation, and was a contributor to the Angel Cipher, as some called the attempt to understand the language of the ones who ascended the worthy.

part 2 probably coming soon