thespiff t1_jdca167 wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
Where are you getting these numbers?
thespiff t1_jdc9vjk wrote
Reply to comment by Gobirds831 in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
If you pull the turnstile towards you halfway (as if a person is exiting through it) it creates a gap that you can slip through discretely. This is what most adults who farejump do. Teens hop over.
thespiff t1_j8jxu8o wrote
Reply to comment by JeffRosencock in March 2023 Concert Roll Call by henren44
What’s the deal with warehouse on watts? Never heard of it, but definitely interested in RAP Ferreira. This show isn’t even listed on his bandcamp
thespiff t1_j3k6o7a wrote
Reply to comment by porkchameleon in I'm a programmer looking for a group project in the area by the_ricktacular_mort
Yeah really shit take my dude. I’m 15 years in the industry and clicked through to the comments curious what I’d find. Charity is not stupid.
thespiff t1_j2fga3c wrote
Yeah it’s a marathon of Philly campiness and debauchery. I would recommend you plan other activities such as meals and then check out the parade in between.
As another poster noted, the fancy brigades are gonna be the closest thing you get to a real parade. A lot of the other brigades are honestly just an excuse for bro’s to dress in silly outfits and get wasted in public. I’m talking about the actual parade participants not the spectators. Although they are generally drunk too.
thespiff t1_j1euws4 wrote
Reply to comment by thenerdiestmenno in Good “experiences” to gift someone in Philly? by Triphae
Yep thanks for the young fans tip, great seats great price.
thespiff t1_j1eu2j2 wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaitnine in Good “experiences” to gift someone in Philly? by Triphae
Great suggestion, last minute Christmas gift, and the shaham concert doubles as a Valentine’s Day gift! Thanks! $90 for a pair of great seats with the young fans program.
thespiff t1_iwg5law wrote
Reply to comment by trashpandarevolution in The Boozy Mutt will open at the former North Star Bar in Philly by PhillyPanda
You’re at least partially right. I have a dream of owning a bar/venue one day but it never occurred to me until now that this could have been the spot. And I just drove by it a week ago and noted it’s still closed. (I got detoured past it due to the trolley construction on Girard.)
Where you are wrong is that if it were an active music venue now, I would go to shows there. With that and Boot & Saddle gone, last small venue we’ve got seems to be Johnny Brenda’s. And first Unitarian I guess.
thespiff t1_iwg4owi wrote
Reply to comment by H0tVinegar in The Boozy Mutt will open at the former North Star Bar in Philly by PhillyPanda
Last show I saw there was Dick Dale. That was pretty cool.
thespiff t1_iwf5ov0 wrote
Reply to comment by MathisBrothers in The Boozy Mutt will open at the former North Star Bar in Philly by PhillyPanda
Yeah this article is where I realized I’m officially old.
Don’t wanna wish ill on this couple of bright eyed dreamers, but sure doesn’t feel like a young professional couple with dogs instead of kids kinda vibe in dog-walking distance of North Star. Also that place should be a concert venue.
thespiff t1_jdcuu72 wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
According to that article, DC transit claims they lose $25 million annually to fare evasion