
thetwitchy1 t1_ir1l0w9 wrote

Here’s the thing: we call it a singularity because it is one, but what we fail to sometimes account for is the social and cultural singularities that will accompany it.

When technology is able to access information and correlate it into new and novel technologies infinitely fast, how will society change? Every novel technological change has brought with it social change, but when technological changes happen at an infinite speed, the social changes that come with them will be unpredictable and chaotic at best… effectively being a social singularity in that way. Culture has always changed with social and technological changes, and having a whole new intelligence in the mix will cause a cultural shift unlike anything before… making it another “singularity” that we simply cannot predict.

What will happen when an AGI develops to the point of sapience? We not only don’t know, we CAN’T know. But I am hopeful that any intelligence that is capable of finding the solutions to our problems that you have outlined will be intelligent and capable enough to understand how to avoid the social and cultural pitfalls that would create negative consequences for us all.