thevoidhearsyou t1_iy7zyx1 wrote
Reply to 30 tonnes of cocaine seized in raids against European ‘super cartel’ | Drugs trade by SmokeSinseLoud
So they found Epstein's coke stash.
thevoidhearsyou t1_iy7zjxp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NY ends home liens, wage garnishments in medical-debt collection. What you should know. by General-Wishbone-214
That right there is why we'll never get cheap health care.
thevoidhearsyou t1_ity0y8t wrote
Reply to comment by Sivick314 in Hu Jintao argued about official papers before being escorted out of congress by WalkingTalker
More likely due to his age and reputation they'll move him into an asylum for mental health reasons, but in reality they'll keep him alive in a back room somewhere and viewable to the public from time to time to ensure that any one loyal to Hu doesn't try to use him as a martyr to remove poobear.
thevoidhearsyou t1_it24x72 wrote
Reply to comment by MsWumpkins in Air quality around Seattle ranked worst in the world by SounderBruce
Smoke plume? You sure Snoop Dog isn't in town.
>!Its a joke move along. !<
thevoidhearsyou t1_iy80ojm wrote
Reply to comment by tayroarsmash in 30 tonnes of cocaine seized in raids against European ‘super cartel’ | Drugs trade by SmokeSinseLoud
The problem is even in a regulated market people will still look for more drugs beyond what is considered safe or allowable.