
t1_iztbelw wrote

Have you ever done something another woman so bad that she would want to get revenge against you? Maybe your husband was involved in it? Or you stole him from another woman? It sounds like someone summoned an Ancient Nubian curse on you and your husband. Basically, the restless spirit of a deceased ancient Nubian priest is taking control of your Husband and steals his energy to make both your lives hell. The spirit is angry because someone violated his burial site. The spirit presents itself as a woman (or man) that seems so perfect to the victim that he or she becomes addicted to communicating with the spirit. The spirit continues to drain the life energy of its victim and fills it back up with darkness, untill the victim dies.

But don't worry, there is a remedy. Long ago, this curse was first reported to the Catholic Church in 325AD, when a certain Lucius Decius was cursed by an Egyptian woman whom he rejected. His wife, Cornelia, who was a Christian, requested help from the local Christian Bishop, a native of Aswan, of Nubian origin. After performing a ritual to identify the Nubian Spirit, the Bishop tracked down its burial site which was ruined by tomb raiders and restored the grave according to Ancient Nubian customs. This includes closing the Sarcophagus and the chamber it is located in, as well as returning weapons, personal belongings and most importantly, his priest amulet to the chamber. A visualization of all of these items is included in a painted portrait or statue of the particular subject. After Cornelia and the Bishop restored the grave, they released the Curse forever and Decius and Cornelia lived happily together.

So, you would have to identify the Spirit that's haunting you and your husband, if necessary with the help of a priest. Then once identified, travel to Nubia (Modern day Sudan and Southern Egypt) and locate the spirits burial site to restore the grave and release your husband from the curse. This process may take you a while, especially since the burial site of the spirit that haunts you may be buried deep below the sand of the Sudanese desert.