
OP t1_j9nprmt wrote

Great example! With Brier scoring we have

loss = norm(x)**2 - x[label]**2 + (1-x[label])**2
     = norm(x)**2 - 2*x[label] + 1

which is basically equivalent to replacing logsumexp with norm^2 in the first code

def label_cross_entropy_on_logits(x, labels):
    return (-2* + x.norm(axis=1)**2).sum(axis=0)

This actually works just as good as my original method! The Wikipedia article for proper scoring functions also mention "Spherical score", which seems to be equivalent to my method of dividing by the norm. So maybe that's the explanation?

Note though that I applied Brier Loss directly on the logits, which is probably not how they are meant to be used...


OP t1_j9kapw7 wrote

Even with angles you can still have exponentially many vectors that are nearly orthogonal to each other, if that's what you mean...

I agree the representations will be different. Indeed one issue may be that large negative entries will be penalized as much as large positive ones, which is not the case for logsumexp...

But on the other hand more "geometric" representations like this, based on angles, may make the vectors more suitable for stuff like LSH.