timesarewasting t1_j42ehcl wrote
Reply to comment by KindAwareness3073 in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
Finally the native Americans would be vindicated. Some Spanish and other invaders not only destroyed their ancient and complex culture but also stamped them with various prejudices.
PS: Western historians of those times were known for "colourful" depictions of other cultures. They made very tall claims about China India Arab etc as well
timesarewasting t1_j42e606 wrote
Reply to comment by I-Make-Maps91 in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
I'm guessing great use of AI as well in decoding these data
timesarewasting t1_j42dzfb wrote
Reply to comment by Xciccor in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
For people whose records were massively destroyed and deliberately, you claim to know a lot.
We barely understand the complexity of history of these people. All these statements like, their Empire lasted just a century before Spanish came, is certainly false.
Their complex and advanced civilizations are lost in the mist of time
timesarewasting t1_j3gsa7v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Biden signs bills that secure long-sought water rights and land for 5 Arizona tribes by Sariel007
Probably your username
Submitted by timesarewasting t3_104vqaj in Futurology
timesarewasting t1_j42evy1 wrote
Reply to comment by mutherfuqq in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
Such things really contribute to diversity in thoughts. To be aware of cultural and historical diversity is to recognise the basic humanity of each human.. sad that once some people claimed them to be animals and even cannibalistic