travelinlighttoparad t1_jbn5qmh wrote
Reply to Relocating from NYC to MA, where to live? by cclove96
Yup, like everyone said, you are gonna DIE! /s
travelinlighttoparad t1_j772nny wrote
Reply to comment by sedevilc2 in Is this the coldest you have seen it in Mass by Hoosac_Love
you add a small fan. Placed up high to push heat into the kitchen. You don't need a big fan, once the flow sets up it should even out the temps.
travelinlighttoparad t1_j1x4vn2 wrote
Reply to comment by RisksRewardsRelics in Failed meme but NH placement is precious by WoobieBee
No it hasn't. You a repeating an old trope from the looney left. They are just as dumb as the MAGATS.
On April 12, 2006, Governor Romney signed the health legislation.[23] He vetoed eight sections of the health care legislation, including the controversial employer assessment.[24] He vetoed provisions providing dental benefits to poor residents on the Medicaid program, and providing health coverage to legal immigrants who have a U.S. sponsor who is financially responsible for them.[25] The legislature promptly overrode six of the eight gubernatorial section vetoes, on May 4, 2006, and by mid-June 2006 had overridden the remaining two.[26][27]
travelinlighttoparad t1_j118857 wrote
Reply to comment by modernhomeowner in Am I going to be double taxed for working in MA but living in RI? by EtAvec
This isn't the procedure for Maine. I just file a Maine State and Fed. Never filed a MA Non res form. If your state taxes your income you are exempt. Been doing it for 13 years. Not once have I ever filed anything with the state of MA, except for unemployment because that's where my employer resides.
travelinlighttoparad t1_iya2zea wrote
None of that is the North Shore not 1 town. Listen up. In order to be on the North Shore you need to be near the ocean.
Middlesex County and the Merrimac Valley are not the North Shore. That darker area is a lie by jealous wannabes.
travelinlighttoparad t1_jbn64jh wrote
Reply to comment by KenOfEarth in How do Massachusetts folks/New Englanders feel about this map (Accurate, half true? Etc). by [deleted]
Same thing. They always complain about the East Coast bias but if you compare a satellite at night map. The West Coast looks like North Korea. From the Mighty Mis to the Pacific is really a baron wasteland with no one in it.