
t1_j1pzi1p wrote

Pay wall to access the journal doesn’t help the dialogue. We are arrogant thinking we have informed insight to forest health without understanding microbiome. Typical biased data and design when anything is tied to industry, especially the Timber Industry. There is more life and biomass microscopically than macroscopic. The more we look, the greater the complexity of microbial processes. The rubisco gene’s unparalleled sequestration of atmospheric carbon is a no- dah. More sun=more foliar growth = more obvious data to capture. The rest of the story includes integral unknowns. Extrapolation is suggestive at best.


t1_ixuet15 wrote

A pair of lag bolts holding the mount to a single stud would be strong enough to do pull ups. Predrill the holes leaving enough wood for the threads to take a healthy grab. I’ve installed heavy old school panels on such.