
tronathan t1_irmdqsj wrote

While I like the idea that all tech should be open-source, I'm not sure I agree. You say that the tech is already available, which I think is true to an extent, but having the knowledge and tooling be widespread is different than just having it available to those with deep pockets / who put great effort in / etc. The same could be said of nuclear weapsons; would you want to be able to download a nuke?

Another way to look at the issue of "we can do this today, but no one is using it for evil" argument (i know, thats an oversimplification of what you said) - is to think about the analogy, "Which chain is stronger? One with 10 links or 10,000,000 links?" Shorter chains are sronger because they hae fewer points of failure and there is always variation in the strength of each link.

Or you can take the example of spam email - If email was expensive to send, there wouldn't be much spam, because even though it'd /possible/ to send vast amounts of email, it wouldn't be cheap enough to do it at a level that would disrupt society (if society was your inbox). But given how cheap it is, the incentives are such that it makes financial sense, so people do it.

Market forces ccomina getcha, now with AI!