tunuvfun t1_j5sh58y wrote
LIHTCs have a sliding scale payment structure. In theory, they're the most democratic kind of public housing that can exist. You can be a movie star and rent an apartment at a LIHTC but pay full rent because you earn so much. You can also be the poorest of the poor and have your rent subsidized to the max (30% of your income). Everyone has the same kind of apartment and the same amenities, modest though they may be.
I'm answering from Pennsylvania and am appalled at the heartless downvoting of your extremely decent and intelligent question. This is the kind of behavior that makes me hate this platform.
For what it's worth, I would call the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency and ask to speak with a counselor. They will put you in the right direction (phfa.org/renters).
tunuvfun t1_j8hqsee wrote
Reply to Shelter that requires weekly Christian church attendance receives large grant from carbon county. by mynameisalso
Thank you for uploading this. Carbon County is one of those counties in northeast PA that hides in plain sight. It's the lower Poconos. Some (very) rich people know that if you want the real Poconos these days, you either go far northwest or far southeast. tnonline.com is its only news outlet, and it's excellent. which is sad, because much more that is newsworthy happens in this county than one might suspect. tnonline.com never gets the credit or funding it deserves. Those American Recovery funds should go to it.
A much larger county's media confided in me they rely on pure chance to cover what happens in the courthouse in Jim Thorpe. This credentialed reporter confided County leaders know that trips by media from out of the area are arduous, time-consuming, and--in Jim Thorpe.
I made this comment however for another reason. A friend is experiencing a very similar problem regarding the federal government overlooking enforced religion. (FWIW, I'm a practicing Christian.) Religious icons of a very distinct religion are allowed to be hung on the walls and placed virtually all over a government--HUD--subsidized building, and management has been made aware of it. The building is funded by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, which apparently is a-okay with the silent preaching.
The religious icons are only getting more numerous. (Hint: the believers aren't Jews or Muslims.)