tyger2020 t1_j42jlul wrote
Reply to [Image] Nobody cares until you're rich, pretty, or dead. So live your life to the fullest regardless of how others look at it. by sylsau
Wrong. this just motivated me to get rich and pretty
tyger2020 t1_iy34lxb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in China COVID cases hit fresh record high after weekend of protests by TequillaShotz
>Let’s see if they all grow a backbone when the tanks start rolling.
A Canadian said this lmao
tyger2020 t1_ixq29r5 wrote
Reply to comment by Acrobatic_Video_6770 in First ever Franco-India-German military exercise slated for 2024 by RaChoke
>hope india learns some of invasion stuff from german friends
If they want to learn how to invade successfully they'd be better learning from their British friends
tyger2020 t1_j9tgz48 wrote
Reply to [Story] Went on a run at 3 in the morning and felt ALIVE for the first time in so long. by someoneinlife1
I need me some of this.