
unMuggle t1_j6p5ol1 wrote

There is balance in everything. I cannot stand sitting still and doing nothing, nor can I do most things without brain stimulation.

I listen to YouTube while I clean. You don't need to watch most videos to enjoy them.

I have a waterproof speaker. I use it while I do self care, so I can shower and shave while listening to music or videos.

Similar ideas for working out. I have a TV mounted across from my treadmill so I can zone out watching something.

For things like studying, find some instrumental music and suck on a peppermint.

For things like relationships, planned activities are best. You can sit and just talk to your friends or SO, but this is easier for me to do when we are actively doing something.

Social media is easy, if you are willing to be strict. Get a notepad, and when you feel like a social media is benefitting you, write it down and why. Same for when it's getting in the way. Do that for a few weeks and you will likely naturally stop using them as much. Then, when you see that Fbook, Twitter, TikTok, and Insta aren't helping you you can delete them. I deactived the accounts, so I'd have to start over if I wanted to use them.

As for games, I don't tell anyone to not play games. I play lots of games. But, it's better, if you can afford it, to play games on a system and keep them off your phone. That way when you decide to play a game, it's a decision you made and not a convenience.