unitedfan6191 OP t1_je5kvlr wrote
Reply to comment by BEE_REAL_ in Of all the movies that were rushed through production and released very quickly, which ones amazed you most with the final product? by unitedfan6191
Wow, sounds insane.
Did he have anyone around him who helped or was it all his own drive and skill, an individual tour de force?
unitedfan6191 t1_jdk7mfq wrote
Dawson Leery after like season 4 of Dawson’s Creek.
He started as a cliched and innocent hopeless romantic with aspirations to be a filmmaker but then at a certain point devolved into a somewhat jealous, bitter, angry, possessive person who also decides to run away from responsibility and commitments when it gets too tough and sometimes blames others. I don’t want this to sound too harsh as I would want to give him the benefit of the doubt and he was a teenager who made mistakes and there are reasons for a lot of his behavior, but I think as a character they kinda dropped the ball with him towards the end.
Jack Bauer on 24.
His defense in the name of national security for his barbaric torture and threatening innocents with violence and death if they didn’t so what he says became tired and a crutch after a while and his bad behavior couldn’t possibly be justified after a while. I was willing to have sympathy for him after loved ones either died or left him, but it doesn’t give him the right to point a gun at an innocent person and tell them he will kill them if they don’t do exactly as he says. He’s also displayed hypocritical behavior when he judges and criticizes people for doing similar things to what he’s done which makes him a little tired and unlikable for me after a while.
Karen Walker on Will & Grace, like The Todd snd Bulldog, was intentionally written that way but was still very unlikable even though I could still kinda understand her behavior to a point when you look deeper and realize why she acts the way she does and she displays great heart sometimes.
Ross on Friends for the obvious reasons anyone familiar with the show already knows. Rachel to a degree as well, but I think Ross’ list of douchey behavior takes the proverbial cake.
The Todd on Scrubs was a total creep and a perverted human being, but he was intended to be that way and he was only a side character.
The crew on Seinfeld in the latter years especially were largely horrible human beings.
Ryan Howard on The Office was a largely appalling human being, although he looked great in a fedora.
Bob “Bulldog” Briscoe, like The Todd on Scrubs, was a lawsuit waiting to happen on Frasier and a chauvinistic and openly offensive person like him couldn’t exist in real life.
unitedfan6191 OP t1_jdedvy9 wrote
Reply to comment by Volcano_Tequila in How much (or little) do you value the importance of awards shows like the Emmys? by unitedfan6191
On the flip side of awards nominations and wins keeping talented people engaged, would you say it’s the opposite effect for many talented people who just miss out or just completely snubbed? By not getting nominations and wins, do you think many talented people will be more inclined to try film because they feel they’re not getting enough recognition in awards season?
unitedfan6191 OP t1_jddjcmq wrote
Reply to comment by eekamuse in How much (or little) do you value the importance of awards shows like the Emmys? by unitedfan6191
That opens up a whole new can of worms when you start using words like “deserve.”
We all have our own interpretations of what that means and even if the performance you’re thinking “deserves” to win an award and most people agree with your sentiment, there are usually at least a few other performances on a similar level competing so I think it can be a tricky business deciding who most “deserves” an award because I feel their performance would still be out of this world whether they win an award or not.
But I think I get where you’re coming from and an award can be good validation and if it means a lot to the actor/writer/whatever then I will root for them.
unitedfan6191 t1_jdbjvk8 wrote
Reply to comment by TiredMisanthrope in Who is the best TV psychopath? by EngineeringOk3975
Actually, according to healthline.com, the signs of “psychopathy” are:
Inability to distinguish between right and wrong
Lack of empathy and remorse
Behavior that conflicts with social norms
Manipulating and hurting others
Disregard for safety and responsibility
Disregarding or violating the rights of others
Tendency to lie often
Recurring problems with the law
Expressing anger and arrogance on a regular basis
House pretty much was and did all these things at some point/regularly on the show.
unitedfan6191 t1_jd9lp1j wrote
Reply to comment by EngineeringOk3975 in Who is the best TV psychopath? by EngineeringOk3975
I mean, to elaborate:
He avoided interacting with people as much as he could and it was a major part of his character to generally avoid talking to patients unless it was absolutely necessary. If that was the extent of it, it would be fine as some people are introverted, but he savagely insults and humiliates people when he does interact.
He had a lack of empathy and was willing to put people through immense amounts of suffering (including willingly trying to forge and coerce patient signatures for extremely risky experimental procedures) if it meant the puzzle was solved at the end (ends justify the means).
He was willing to potentially ruin his colleagues’ lives by threatening to discredit them when they attempt to find new employment elsewhere in the medical field when they overly questioned his methods when they believed he went too far and threatened to quit.
He drove a car into Cuddy’s house. Not to mention his prank around this time also nearly destroyed the hospital and he would have had to serve another prison sentence (a far longer one) and the main reason he faked his death was to avoid this prison sentence.
He snooped in on his colleagues’ personal lives constantly even during extremely inappropriate moments when family members died and therefore refused to respect boundaries.
I’m not necessarily calling him a psychopath because he made mistakes and there are reasons for his behavior, but I think he could plausibly fit the definition.
unitedfan6191 t1_jd8py8e wrote
Reply to Who is the best TV psychopath? by EngineeringOk3975
Gregory House.
unitedfan6191 OP t1_jaex5me wrote
Reply to comment by nocarstereo in Who throughout history has had the biggest fall from Grace? by unitedfan6191
Never heard of him/her.
What did he/she do?
unitedfan6191 t1_j9s9z3q wrote
Reply to Which iconic and/or all time great shows would have been cancelled in their first season in today's streaming environment? by TheShowLover
To think, Breaking Bad at its peak had like barely 10% of the peak viewership Big Bang Theory had at one point. 🤔
unitedfan6191 t1_j9s936x wrote
Reply to Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
Echoing what others have already said, an excellent episode and truly gut-wrenching.
It was nice to see this different side to both Cox and Kelso and totally believable in their acting that they could soften and show their more vulnerable side.
Kelso telling Carla about his longtime wife Enid and how what he previously viewed as a flaw of hers reminded him how much he truly cared for her was a nice transition to the funeral when we finally get the reveal.
unitedfan6191 t1_j9owsmg wrote
Reply to can a show still be referred to as of the best ever even tho some of the seasons are awful? by Constant-Car-8796
Awful’s often subjective. What’s considered awful by one person is considered decent by another. It depends on one’s tolerance levels.
An example is The Office.
Seasons 2-7 are among the greatest TV show seasons ever produced and written, but I wouldn’t call season 8 a hugely chasm-sized drop off (it’s solid, imo) and even season 9 has its moments, but both seasons definitely drop the quality a few rungs lower on the ladder compared to the show’s peak years.
unitedfan6191 t1_j6jv73i wrote
Reply to comment by yooohooo8 in Actors who were fired from the 1st or 2nd season of a hit show, even though they were good in it. by Lili_Danube
Then the characters who worked with him and “knew” him don’t ever mention his name ever again, not even one single time, like he never existed. The only thing I was turned off by on this otherwise great show.
I could accept that he was a cold, womanizing, occasionally obliviously jerky guy who was like a less refined Jim Halpert who most people didn’t miss, but to erase him from existence just seemed unrealistic to expect the audience to just forget he was ever a character. I mean, who are we talking about again? 😉
unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6gq18q wrote
Reply to comment by HPmoni in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
I haven’t seen The Simpsons since like season 30 I think but I believe Lisa did mention Armin Tamzarian once in an episode in the mid-teens I think.
Lisa: But to save money on a new dish, we'll just call you Snowball ll and pretend this whole thing never happened.
Skinner: That's really a cheat, isn't it?
Lisa: I guess you're right, Principal Tamzarian.
Skinner: I'll just be moving along,
unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6gp8xd wrote
Reply to comment by ascagnel____ in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
No, I meant do they mention Frasier having no brother in a Cheers episode? If it was mentioned in one episode in an offhand way, then that may explain why I cannot remember if Frasier mentioned having a brother.
unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6gotuh wrote
Reply to comment by oriboaz in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
I didn’t initially like the introduction of Dawn because it made no sense as it happened, but then that season ended up being so engrossing and felt like a return to form for the show I’ve always been a big fan of.
Honestly, I think there was a more sloppy retcon that screwed a little with continuity from the show, though.
You think you can fool me?! You were my sire, man! You were my... Yoda!
unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6fjhk8 wrote
Reply to comment by Stuckinthevortex in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
Did he ever actually ever say he’s an only child or is it just that Niles was never mentioned? I cannot remember. I know Martin was dead and was a scientist I think and not a cop prior to the show Frasier.
unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6fcq8x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
I have one for you that may or may not count as retconning.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Seinfeld, but it’s said that Kramer at the start of the show hasn’t left the building in years, yet that is never really a thing as the next season progresses. It actually completely ignores this revelation about him pretty quickly and he’s like a completely different guy soon after this and you’d never think he was this recluse who never left his apartment for years.
unitedfan6191 t1_j5gfpjn wrote
Reply to comment by Oxtard69dz in What's up with the trend of bleeping swear words in kid's films? by alureundead
Dragnet (1987)
There’s a pole dancer whose breasts are almost entirely exposed besides her nipples.
The movie wasn’t rated PG in the US but it was in some other territories and this is still an example of how movies from like Pre-90s got away with more than most movies today that aren’t just rated R.
unitedfan6191 t1_j2fb075 wrote
Reply to comment by Parmory in Most innocent movie heroes? by GimmeGirlFarts
That was Rocky III. I guess I should have been more clear but since others in this thread were mentioning individual movies I was only referring to the first movie.
unitedfan6191 t1_j2e3vjg wrote
Reply to Most innocent movie heroes? by GimmeGirlFarts
Sure, depending on how you interpret it, he does kind of rape Adrian (not in a grotesque way, but maybe to some it disqualifies him being a squeaky-clean hero?), but his intentions are always good and honorable and he is so humble throughout the movie and his goals are never really lofty.
unitedfan6191 t1_j1o9erj wrote
Reply to How do you define filler? by monkeyskin
I’d define that word as episodes that feature characters acting wildly out of sync with their usual rhythm in a way that makes no sense and does nothing for the long term growth of that character.
Almost all shows with a traditional 22-episode format have them so I don’t look too down on the better shows having a few fluff episodes a season because TV show writers have deadlines and orders from above to churn out episodes and I think the very best make the best out of a not-ideal situation.
Even shows like Seinfeld and Frasier and Parks and Rec had some episodes which seemed less than essential but they still offered fantastic entertainment even in those episodes so I’m fine with a little fluff here or there as long as it’s quality.
unitedfan6191 t1_j1ecavf wrote
Friends - “The One Where Rachel Quits” (Season 3, Episode 10)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Amends" (Season 3, Episode 10)
The Office - "Christmas Party" (Season 2, Episode 10)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - “Christmas Show” (Season 2, Episode 12)
Frasier - "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz" (Season 6, Episode 10)
unitedfan6191 OP t1_iuk3ga2 wrote
Reply to comment by 1readerofreddit in What words, like genius, have lost complete meaning through overuse? by unitedfan6191
But the animals aren’t The goat; more a goat. Goats are are cool and important animals, but the meaning is very different.
I do think, though, that if you call someone the goat, then you probably would lose some dignity if the person you call the goat isn’t at least worthy of being in the discussion of who is the goat.
A lot of goat mentions.😉
unitedfan6191 OP t1_iuk1lso wrote
Reply to comment by SirLeisure42 in What words, like genius, have lost complete meaning through overuse? by unitedfan6191
It’s kind of like the people who watch a bad movie and say it felt like “physical torture” to them or the people who say they would “literally” rather harm themselves very violently like stabbing themselves than do something they find incredibly boring or do something with someone they don’t like or respect. I’m like, no you wouldn’t literally do that, but I get that it’s just an expression.
unitedfan6191 OP t1_jebud5f wrote
Reply to comment by Nobodycares2022 in What’s your favorite “social issues” episode of any show? by unitedfan6191
I liked Will having Carlton’s back in the black fraternity episode.