
unitedfan6191 t1_j6jv73i wrote

Then the characters who worked with him and “knew” him don’t ever mention his name ever again, not even one single time, like he never existed. The only thing I was turned off by on this otherwise great show.

I could accept that he was a cold, womanizing, occasionally obliviously jerky guy who was like a less refined Jim Halpert who most people didn’t miss, but to erase him from existence just seemed unrealistic to expect the audience to just forget he was ever a character. I mean, who are we talking about again? 😉


unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6gq18q wrote

I haven’t seen The Simpsons since like season 30 I think but I believe Lisa did mention Armin Tamzarian once in an episode in the mid-teens I think.

Lisa: But to save money on a new dish, we'll just call you Snowball ll and pretend this whole thing never happened.

Skinner: That's really a cheat, isn't it?

Lisa: I guess you're right, Principal Tamzarian.

Skinner: I'll just be moving along,


unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6gotuh wrote

I didn’t initially like the introduction of Dawn because it made no sense as it happened, but then that season ended up being so engrossing and felt like a return to form for the show I’ve always been a big fan of.

Honestly, I think there was a more sloppy retcon that screwed a little with continuity from the show, though.

You think you can fool me?! You were my sire, man! You were my... Yoda!


unitedfan6191 OP t1_j6fcq8x wrote

I have one for you that may or may not count as retconning.

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Seinfeld, but it’s said that Kramer at the start of the show hasn’t left the building in years, yet that is never really a thing as the next season progresses. It actually completely ignores this revelation about him pretty quickly and he’s like a completely different guy soon after this and you’d never think he was this recluse who never left his apartment for years.


unitedfan6191 t1_j5gfpjn wrote

Dragnet (1987)

There’s a pole dancer whose breasts are almost entirely exposed besides her nipples.

The movie wasn’t rated PG in the US but it was in some other territories and this is still an example of how movies from like Pre-90s got away with more than most movies today that aren’t just rated R.


unitedfan6191 t1_j2e3vjg wrote


Sure, depending on how you interpret it, he does kind of rape Adrian (not in a grotesque way, but maybe to some it disqualifies him being a squeaky-clean hero?), but his intentions are always good and honorable and he is so humble throughout the movie and his goals are never really lofty.


unitedfan6191 t1_j1o9erj wrote

I’d define that word as episodes that feature characters acting wildly out of sync with their usual rhythm in a way that makes no sense and does nothing for the long term growth of that character.

Almost all shows with a traditional 22-episode format have them so I don’t look too down on the better shows having a few fluff episodes a season because TV show writers have deadlines and orders from above to churn out episodes and I think the very best make the best out of a not-ideal situation.

Even shows like Seinfeld and Frasier and Parks and Rec had some episodes which seemed less than essential but they still offered fantastic entertainment even in those episodes so I’m fine with a little fluff here or there as long as it’s quality.


unitedfan6191 t1_j1ecavf wrote

Friends - “The One Where Rachel Quits” (Season 3, Episode 10)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Amends" (Season 3, Episode 10)

The Office - "Christmas Party" (Season 2, Episode 10)

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - “Christmas Show” (Season 2, Episode 12)

Frasier - "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz" (Season 6, Episode 10)


unitedfan6191 OP t1_iuk3ga2 wrote

But the animals aren’t The goat; more a goat. Goats are are cool and important animals, but the meaning is very different.

I do think, though, that if you call someone the goat, then you probably would lose some dignity if the person you call the goat isn’t at least worthy of being in the discussion of who is the goat.

A lot of goat mentions.😉


unitedfan6191 OP t1_iuk1lso wrote

It’s kind of like the people who watch a bad movie and say it felt like “physical torture” to them or the people who say they would “literally” rather harm themselves very violently like stabbing themselves than do something they find incredibly boring or do something with someone they don’t like or respect. I’m like, no you wouldn’t literally do that, but I get that it’s just an expression.


unitedfan6191 OP t1_iujxa72 wrote


If someone thinks something’s amazing, isn’t that their right to feel that way? In a subjective context I think it works. That is why I used the word “genius” as an example because that’s more exclusive and specific a word, but I think amazing has many similar meaning words that it can be interchanged with.

Anyway, nice suggestions anyway.