
upcountry_degen t1_je794tw wrote

It is worth noting RI has a couple of measures in place that many other states do not: A 7 day waiting period which serves as a cool down period, but it also is time in which the paperwork must be signed off on by the purchasers local police department. In many of these mass shootings law enforcement has been familiar with the shooter, but shooter didn’t have a record which flags on the 4473 (form filled out for Federal background check) so they were able to purchase firearms legally. In the case of RI the local PD can deny the sale if the person doesn’t have a criminal history, but is known to have issues that haven’t involved arrest (psych, substance abuse, etc) and would be concerning for firearm purchase. The only exception to this is if someone holds a CCW, however those require a substantial amount of vetting in RI including qualifying with a firearm, 3 references with notarized letters, finger prints, meeting with local PD etc.


upcountry_degen t1_j7wio3y wrote

I would question the ethics of someone who would steal business from his employer. Ask yourself this, if he was legit and could run his own company without stealing work from his employer, wouldn’t he be doing so? He’s likely using substandard labor, not insured, not paying tax etc. I know tons of trade guys who do side work, but they get jobs through word of mouth and reputation, not funneling work to themselves at their full time job


upcountry_degen t1_j6k6m0g wrote

The solution to the trash is any easy one. Assign a team of people who are staying at the armory to go out and clean up the park and surrounding neighborhood each day, there are plenty of able bodied individuals staying there who have plenty of time to pitch in and help keep the neighborhood clean.


upcountry_degen t1_j6k535j wrote

No, they explicitly state they have apartments. Not sure why I got downvoted like that when I have a substantial amount of first hand experience with the situation and the population in general, but that’s Reddit for you, speculation confirming the bias of the average user of a given sub will always receive more positive reaction than first hand knowledge which doesn’t jive with a preconceived idea


upcountry_degen t1_j6cya98 wrote

First hand experience with the population. I don’t know if I would say “a lot”, but certainly more than a few. The reason? They never really say, but whatever it is it’s the same reason they hang out in parks, playgrounds and sidewalks all day and night, in all different weather, despite having places to stay.


upcountry_degen t1_j6b750n wrote

The Armory is an abject disaster. Cramming hundreds of vulnerable and/or dangerous individuals into one space, with virtually no support or structure is going exactly how anyone with a modicum of common sense think it would go. Whoever was responsible for this awful, half baked solution to a difficult and complex issue should be both ashamed and held responsible. And that’s not even beginning to take into account the issues it has caused for the surrounding neighborhood

Edit: And you are absolutely correct, a fair number of them do have places to live.


upcountry_degen t1_irtce7o wrote

There is absolutely zero chance that the police don’t get involved in an incident like this, for obvious reasons. No health professional is going to engage a person with a knife without the police being there, for good reason