upicked11 t1_jdmio23 wrote
Reply to How does the rabies virus actually compel the host to bite? How does it know how to tell the brain to bite another living thing? by Lettuce-b-lovely
Animals get agitated and suffer immensely. The one thing rabies does that is spectacular is that it make it really hard to swallow anything while greatly increasing saliva production.
That is because the virus propagated with saliva and stooping the host from swallowing helps keep a higher concentration of the virus in the mouth.
Animals go crazy aggressive, with good reasons:
"A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports shows how a small piece of the rabies virus can bind to and inhibit certain receptors in the brain that play a crucial role in regulating the behavior of mammals. This interferes with communication in the brain and induces frenzied behaviors that favor the transmission of the virus."
upicked11 t1_j6mw5ob wrote
I really enjoyed the first and third games. I really play first person games, but this was a great adventure altogether. Now that i got an OLED display i may just do another run!
upicked11 t1_jdnpwk3 wrote
Reply to TIL: Thanks to poor internal communication at NASA, information about a spacesuit water leak wasn't properly communicated. Later, Astronaut Luca Parmitano almost drowned on a July, 2013 ISS space walk, his helmet filling with several liters of water before they could get him back inside. by OvidPerl
Drowning in water while being in outer space, what are the chances?