
vidret t1_ix5zr4h wrote

Depends on how the code is written, but yes that is the idea.

You can always see what sort of changes the yaml file does by looking through the script/parts of the code that loads and makes use of it. But if a config file is there that’s probably where you should config things.


vidret t1_ix5z4zb wrote

Have you tried making the model smaller by turning into 16 bit floats instead of 32 bit floats? If it’s already 16 bit you could try 8 bit ints and see if the performance drop is acceptable. I think tensorflow and torch both have these options available.

Less simple option is changing the architecture to make it even smaller, there’s a variety of methods. Before doing that I’d have a look around to see what sort of tricks everyone else with the same goals as you are using.