
wayofwisdomlbw t1_j6o0fji wrote

Being able to save innocent lives would seem like a good thing, but I can only know who is innocent after activating my power, and in order to do that I must kill an innocent person. In a time of crisis it is always tempting to kill the closest person, but the closest person is not always innocent. It is hard to judge a person’s innocence from looking at them. Even after the power activates and I can clearly see who I can save the number of people I can move to safety is always smaller than I first expect.

I end up hanging around places with lots of children as a result because I can save most of them as they have not usually lived long enough to loose their innocence. Sadly as I get older, the number of innocent children in any group shrinks as it seems they are being corrupted younger as time goes on.

This one last time I looked up to see the nuke heading for my city and with no one else close enough I decided to sacrifice myself, hoping I would be considered innocent and that I could use my power as I died. In the moment of my death time froze and I was able to spend what felt like forever carrying those marked as innocent to safety. I was only able to save 25% of the city and surrounding affected area. As I brought the last of the about 500,000 innocent people to safety I contemplated if my life was worth this last act. If I had sacrificed someone else I might go on to save more people, but with the number of innocent people I could save each time diminishing and the number of people I had killed personally, I was glad it would soon be over. After I double checked the city to make sure I had saved everyone I could I let go and was blinded by the irradiated light.