werklerw t1_iy4rj3l wrote
Reply to comment by HungryPot in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
A few dozen people holding up signs is not a revolution. The reason they can't do shit against their oppressive government is because they largely support it. Look at Ukraine 8 years ago to see what people do when they really dislike their dictators and aren't scared to fight for their freedom. Stop giving ruzzians a pass while their country is openly committing genocide, most of them are for it and should be judged as such.
werklerw t1_iy6zwts wrote
Reply to comment by Caftancatfan in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
Because they're a nation of nazis who picked 'Z' as their new swastika. This is a derogatory term to show my utter contempt.