
wernercd t1_j29ac42 wrote

Sit down and talk to her and tell her she needs to stop gaslighting you. If she can't be honest then that's a huge issue.

You've *LITERALLY* caught her in the act.

The only extra step you could do is install a hidden camera and that's... problematic on it's own. But that would be "look. you can't deny this." to a new level - but that would be over the line to be honest for something you ALREADY know to be true.

I don't know if I'd say end the relationship but counseling or something to bring out that yes, she is in fact doing this and it's affecting your relationship to be lying about it.


wernercd t1_iyefwzl wrote

You seem to know the answer to the question you're asking. Why does he have tinder? you know why.

Those condoms aren't using themselves and you should get tested.

You need to bring it up and be "So, you still have tinder and have went through quite a few condoms.". Prepare to be gaslit and be very suspicious of any half assed answers.


wernercd t1_iydgijd wrote

Either keep it what's in your pants between you and your GF... or break up with her to get something else.

If you're not happy because of something superficial like an ass? You can't control what gets your motor revving... but you can control not being a cheater and a horrible person.

Either stick with the relationship and stop looking at other girls... or go chasing the other girls and break up with your GF on good terms - not after breaking her heart.


wernercd t1_iydfx8p wrote

I failed when I tried... stopped trying and fall into a relationship every time.

Just think about this... if you roll up and a girl seems to be desperate. how do you feel? They can feel it - and the lack of confidence - and react accordingly. I know because I've felt that response.

Yet if I go out and hang out with friends in a comfortable situation? Playing games or say on a trip somewhere... having fun without trying to impress anyone? Just being my normal goofy self? Somehow I impress someone by not trying to impress. If that makes sense lol.

My suggestion? Find a hobby and do it without stressing. Something that involves people your age range that you'll be interested in. Go in without expectations and maybe you'll meet someone... or you'll have fun playing chess/going to the beach/playing in a band/doing d&d/etc.