
where_didIcome_from t1_j2c4hwi wrote

Wait is that an American flag themed coffin lol

I never looked deep into this format before but they're always weirder when ya do

OH- I finally get this meme

The army dude got drafted and died or smth while the femboy (or trans girl? Idk the character) lives on xd


where_didIcome_from t1_iyexj51 wrote

Jeez what do I even hope for

I guess being married means I have a 50% chance of not dying alone, but at that point would I really want to leave my SO on their own? Is that even something to hope for either way?


where_didIcome_from t1_iyex1ya wrote

Part of me is surprised that no other countries are intervening in how a certain few eastern countries treat their citizens

Then again when you look at the situation it becomes obvious..

North korea: Nukes

China: Manufacturing for pennies

Dude can we replace capitalism already please


where_didIcome_from t1_iujgdu4 wrote

Yea that lines up with the artist's other work lol

They make lots of genderbender lovey-dovey comics

I think one goes like <guy 1> I'd marry you if you were a girl! <guy 2> really?!

And then the last panel has guy 2 as a girl and they're getting married lol