whogivesaluck t1_ja2ifsy wrote
>Nokia G22’s battery can be replaced in around five minutes and its screen in roughly 20.
Seriously? I could change my LG G3's display in 5, the battery in a few seconds, same with most
They are selling you the old ideas as something new and revolutionary, except times worse this time.
whogivesaluck t1_jc76ssk wrote
Reply to What can a ChatGPT developed by a well-funded intelligence agency such as the NSA be used for? Should we be concerned? by yoaviram
Well, with full access to all the public information out there, by analyzing the style you're writing and thinking on one, it could easily track you down on other sites under different usernames.
Teach the AI a psychology and behavior patterns, and some day no doubt you will have an ambulance and police waiting for you outside your house before you even think about jumping off the bridge or doing something worse. :D
In time AI will know us better than we do ourselves.