
wiggywithit t1_jc7occr wrote

13 Billion cost! (Checks calculator) so at 3B profit/year we can pay ourselves back in 11 years? And everything after that is fucking gravy? I know it’s not that simple I’m just countering the stupid ads.


wiggywithit t1_j7ii7ur wrote

Brilliant! I’ve used that argument with my conservatives about immigration. Instead of thinking of it as “they leach off the system I pay for”. Or the classic “der tuk rrr jerrbbbs” I say how about, as a people, we invest in these people, and then we can all pay taxes.


wiggywithit t1_isui87i wrote

There are zero former members of Congress who are not millionaires by the end of their political careers.
Donors pay big bucks just to be fly’s on the wall at important meetings that will affect markets. Congress people are running these meetings and setting policy.
Blind trusts would be acceptable. As important as this is I would say this pales in comparison to bigger issues like gerrymandering.