windysideofcare t1_j60txcf wrote
I remember that day so vividly. I came home from school and my mom told me what had happened and I looked down into the basement and saw it replaying over and over again on the TV. We had just returned the day before from a trip to Orlando and Kennedy space Center and we were standing outside waiting to watch the shuttle take off on one of its delayed days. We had met some astronauts at Kennedy space Center and I didn't realize being a young kid that the man that I had met and gotten an autograph of was a different astronaut and not one that was on the Challenger. But that definitely was a wake-up call for me and changed my childhood to one that was not quite so innocent. God rest all their souls.
As for your post I wonder why they left him out? That is so bizarre.
windysideofcare t1_j66wzoc wrote
Reply to If you could instantaneously place a space telescope at any desired distance (LYs), from any planet/galaxy etc., where would it be and what would you be documenting? And for what purpose? by kennyarsen
I would position it enough light years away to be able to see dinosaurs and point it at earth. Purpose: DINOSAURS