
wobwobwob42 OP t1_j5ypmoj wrote

At the moment that seems to be the case. Personally doesn't seem to be a whole lot different than the current HD over the air signal. There are supposed to be some interactive features but I don't think anybody has utilized them yet.

I will reserve judgment until I connect my antenna and I will give an update later.


wobwobwob42 t1_j5trjda wrote


wobwobwob42 t1_iznk84g wrote

It's easier to say no to an unknown risk when you know someone with documented income will walk through the door right after you.

It's not worth the effort to them


wobwobwob42 t1_iue3gto wrote

I'd be surprised if they didn't have to auction off his house for him being a dingus.

I remember he would drive around the parking lot of my school trying to pick up chicks. And he had that fucking Halo on at the time cuz his neck was broken. The guys fucking insane