I have no advice but just want to affirm that your bills seem very high and definitely worth investigating further. My row home is about a third larger than yours and is older so there’s no insulation on the exterior walls, but we do have some in the attic. We keep our house at around 70, and are getting bills of about $250/month for both gas and electric.
womanofchloe t1_j6k6w1h wrote
Reply to Excessively High Gas Bill: Anyone Else? And recourse suggestions. by llaatteennccyy
I have no advice but just want to affirm that your bills seem very high and definitely worth investigating further. My row home is about a third larger than yours and is older so there’s no insulation on the exterior walls, but we do have some in the attic. We keep our house at around 70, and are getting bills of about $250/month for both gas and electric.