wonderfulwilliam t1_j1sdqp2 wrote
Reply to Sir, my turn signal was already on by lestgobuffaslug
You gave them way too much daylight. Gotta get right next to the car to box people out.
Seriously, I don't know what it is about the strip that turns people into this. I used to work for a company down there and would occasionally have to work weekends. I hated coming out to people walking into the street in front of your car and traffic blowing through stop signs. I was glad to get out of there.
wonderfulwilliam t1_j1n072n wrote
Reply to What better way is there to celebrate Christmas Eve then traveling the entire orange belt? by Majorkilljoy87
Blue belt gang rise up!
wonderfulwilliam t1_jaekcpf wrote
Reply to comment by konstantinos2000 in The Fed is yet to catch up to the Taylor Rule estimate by Surlax