
wowthatssorude t1_ixegvjt wrote

I never smoked 2 packs a day ever. Less than a pack was my most so about 12-15 cigs

I bought a Juul. Felt so much worse using that. I’ve never had such asthma before.

Thought it was cleaner and maybe I just had chest cold but after a couple months I figured it was the Juul.

Went back to cigs. Was damn near 2 packs a day.

That damn thing tricks you. You smoke inside more since there’s no smoke. Apparently it bumps your blood nicotine levels fast than smoke too

This is pure scam science for tobacco sellers. Period.

I love nicotine gum btw. No asthma. Smooth calm nicotine buzz all day. Less cravings. It’s life. Always easier to quit (I’ve quit nicotine 4x in 10 years or so, can only quit if the gum is my recent primary source)


wowthatssorude t1_is3lgo0 wrote

Yikes didn’t know it was that dramatic. Luckily battery tech will keep incrementally gaining. This is why a lot of people are way too (soon) optimistic. It’s the future yes. But we’ll play it like the internet. 1995 internet to 2022 internet wasn’t overnight . But I’m sure going from 2015-2035 will be similar for electric vehicles. Isn’t density increasing about 5% a year. It adds up. And I don’t know if that 5% is accurate. Up or down.

Anyways I didn’t know the hauling was that poor on the lightning. Maybe the big semi’s can make it work sooner?