More than likely those prices mean you have to agree to their in house financing which will have a super high interest rate. Most used car spots do this. But they have one goal and that is to sell you a car. A buddy of mine bought from auto spot in Garfield. There are a ton of used car dealerships heading east on 46 between elm wood park and fort lee. Try there.
wozzy93 t1_iyvk2ek wrote
Reply to Is the Global Motor Group in Newark a Good Place to buy Used Cars or a Scam? by [deleted]
More than likely those prices mean you have to agree to their in house financing which will have a super high interest rate. Most used car spots do this. But they have one goal and that is to sell you a car. A buddy of mine bought from auto spot in Garfield. There are a ton of used car dealerships heading east on 46 between elm wood park and fort lee. Try there.