wthulhu t1_j2adx4m wrote
Reply to comment by forksofpower in TIL green beans, pinto beans, kidney beans and many other beans are all the same species of bean. by Zemi99
Try just lightly steamed fresh green beans
wthulhu t1_j1ojprp wrote
Reply to comment by mrlazyboy in An IBM Quantum Computer Will Soon Pass the 1,000-Qubit Mark by giuliomagnifico
For reference; the earth is about 2^92 grams.
wthulhu t1_j0k5lyi wrote
Reply to comment by Firstpoet in Drought encouraged Attila's Huns to attack the Roman empire, tree rings suggest by ArtOak
Here's to hoping there are always more episodes than we have time for listening
wthulhu t1_iwo76ma wrote
Reply to comment by Alex_Sisyphus in Zen Sand Table by Alex_Sisyphus
Dude these things are ridiculously amazing. I can understand the price tag, but I'm just going to cry myself outta here.
wthulhu t1_iv5wjfi wrote
Reply to comment by Warpine in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
Great, now my amateur opinion means even less. Thanks buddy : )
wthulhu t1_iv4ocg3 wrote
Reply to comment by Blazerblaster in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
This is, imo, the most likely explanation for dark matter. The creation and destruction of black holes on scales that are, in comparison to our current modeling, extremely close, frequent, and microscopic.
wthulhu t1_iugdadw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL When soul legend Wilson Picket recorded his iconic version of "Mustang Sally," he & his band rushed to hear the playback. The tape machine broke, cutting the tape into 30-40 tiny pieces. The engineer Tom Dowd carefully spliced them all back together, & that's the famous album version by wowbobwow
It could have wrapped up a segment of tape and broken several layers once siezed.
We have to remember that the media used at the time was not the same mass produced cassettes we were exposed to in the 80s and 90s. It's very likely that the material was far more brittle back then.
wthulhu t1_ito9pyl wrote
Reply to comment by vainomainen in Study finds deli meat is connected to more than 90 percent of U.S. listeria cases by BoundariesAreFun
I can't speak to the study, but I can speak from personal experience working 10 years in restaurants from 2009 to 2019. One place I worked only bought whole meats (pastrami, roast beef, turkey, etc) and sliced portions per order at order and rewrapped the slab. We almost never had waste or spoilage.
Two places bought pre sliced, pre packaged meats. Once the packaging was open the clock ran out in roughly 24 hours before it turned.
I honestly think this has something to do with surface area exposed to potential contaminants, possibly also related is the thickness of the meat. Recall that steak can be served rare but hamburger shouldn't, due to the bacteria being unable to get into the meat.
wthulhu t1_j5c9j8x wrote
Reply to comment by LameBMX in TIL The writer for "Die Hard with a Vengeance" was investigated by the FBI after they revealed that his story's plan of robbing the Federal Reserve through a breached subway wall would have worked by fortifier22
Youd be shocked how many deserts in movies have joshua trees in them despite only existing in this range