
yesandreas t1_j8c5tf6 wrote

The more you try to push away a feeling the more it will attack. If you acknowledge it, own and accept that you are feeling it you can then let it go. The more you starve it the more it fights for survival. Feed it, acknowledge it, decide you don’t need to act on it and let it go. Fed wolves are happy wolves. Happy wolves don’t fight


yesandreas t1_j8c4k51 wrote

No, you feed them both and they will serve you well. They will both always be there and if you feed only the light wolf the dark will wait to take advantage. The dark will always go after the light if starved. If you acknowledge the dark and nourish it’s qualities of strength, courage and strategy while letting out the negative in healthy ways it will be happy and will not compete. When you are whole and acknowledge all of yourself even the shadow parts there is no internal struggle. You can choose to starve one part of yourself forever or guide both to something greater.