
yohohoanabottleofrum t1_jad5vmn wrote

My God, can you imagine the wars, and political posturing over the button. Forget laser cannons and death stars, that's all they'd have to do to kill us...


yohohoanabottleofrum t1_j93ly65 wrote

Super interesting. Especially the way it was blamed on out groups. I'd be interested to see if it's found on any pre Columbian corpses in the new world. Either way, it's an extremely interesting intersection of biology and sociology.


yohohoanabottleofrum t1_j92jtts wrote

Ok, your comment got me wondering as it seemed like if it was originally from the Americas, it would have been the first disease I'd hear about doing this. Here's an NIH article on the history....https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3956094/#:~:text=The%20endemic%20syphilis%20emerged%20from,arid%20climate)%20around%207000%20BC.