
youngpunk420 t1_jec3hnc wrote

I live in an apartment. I'm on the bottom floor at least. But it still seems like if a tornado destroyed the apartment building things could fall on me. Like boards and nails.

I wish I knew of a basement or underground shelter I could run to if I needed it. I know you're supposed to be on the bottom floor, towards the center of the building. But that still leaves a lot up to chance. Is there anything I could go to to be safer? I don't know anyone with a shelter I could use. There should be a public one.


youngpunk420 t1_j7wcfv2 wrote

Why aren't you just growing it? You get to pick literally anything and everything. It's a fraction of the cost. Like i paid 400$ or less for my tent and light and air filter and fan. That's all you need. Fabric pots and nutrients and seeds are probably another 100$ you can spend as little as you want though. It might sound expensive but in the long run it's so much cheaper. I haven't paid for weed in years now, that alone as made it so much easier to save money.

If you're trying to do wax and extracts you'll probably just have to settle for hash. Get some dry sift screens or bubble hash bags. It's a whole other art and skill to make extracts. It's pretty cool though. Unless you want to spend the 400$ plus for a press. You can look into it. There's a way to do it with a hair straightener. But it's almost not worth it.


youngpunk420 t1_j761tqo wrote

I feel bad for people paying for weed. Like, you know you can grow it for a fraction of the cost. I spent about 300$ on a tent and light and fan and filter and shit. You could spend about 50$ on seeds that'll last you 2 or 3 years, or forever if you want to do something to get seeds from those seeds. Then like 40$ on nutrients and coco coir. So 400$ and you could have unlimited weed. I bought some wax a few times, but other than that I haven't spent money on weed in like 3 or 4 years. However long it's been legal to grow it.

Like one plant would give me enough to last a year or more. I throw away my weed because I have too much, like it's nothing.

I'm actually taking a break/quit right now though. It kind of sucks having like 7 jars just sitting in my cabinet. It smells so good and looks so good.

Oh and then delta 8 and hhc. If you're going to do carts that's the way to go. It's like less than 5$ if you make you're own. Compared to like 70$ for a cartridge from the dispensary.


youngpunk420 t1_j4sl5y3 wrote

That's so trashy. Almost makes me feel unsafe. I always go walking there alone. I guess it's probably because there's a shooting range that attracts those kind of people. I'd be down to remove that stupid shooting range. I think busiek is the best place to walk because it's only like 25 minutes away and it's not paved. Frisco is paved and it's kind of boring for walking. Busiek is the best one unless I want to drive an hour or more.


youngpunk420 t1_iypuqb3 wrote

I try to get better about being impatient while driving. I thought the tiers were in 10 mph increments. Last time I got a speeding ticket it was, unless I'm remembering wrong. It was 10+ years ago. I always go about 9 over. Maybe 4 is better.

One thing I think about while driving is I want to minimize the amount of time I'm on the road. Most of the danger is because of other drivers. If I can just get to my destination and off the road it's safest. So I take that into mind while I'm driving. There's a balance and a trade off with driving speed. You want to get off the road as quick as you can, but not in a way that's dangerous.

When there's no body on the road it's a breeze driving. It's nice. Compared to driving with other people on the road it's terrible. It takes twice as long to get places. Stop and go. It sucks when there's someone in the passing lane and there's no one in front of them.

I'm pretty average but I've been trying to remember there's a lot of people who aren't as quick about making decisions and hand eye coordination with driving.


youngpunk420 t1_itsfmw9 wrote

Lol that's exactly what I put in the chili I just made. There's a tri color can of beans I sometimes use too, not this time though. I'm probably going to get down voted like the guy who says no beans but I don't put meat in my chili anymore. I put fake meat in tonight but sometimes I just add extra veggies, like a bell pepper and an extra can of beans and corn. It's clean.