z3nfei OP t1_j0elg8q wrote
Reply to comment by acidprinc3ss666 in the watchers that come at 11:59 pm by z3nfei
Hat man?.. I'll see about that- I have a camera set though.
z3nfei OP t1_j0d0to6 wrote
Reply to comment by Im_a_boy_fromYT_ in the watchers that come at 11:59 pm by z3nfei
You're right about being unlucky. Demons are never any good.
z3nfei OP t1_j0d0l8u wrote
Reply to comment by jarofonions in the watchers that come at 11:59 pm by z3nfei
Unfortunately, no. Nobody else sees them as far as I'm aware.
z3nfei t1_j051s55 wrote
Reply to I've lived today before. by NomNomNomNation
Have you tried figuring out any unfinished business you might have throughout the day? By this I mean maybe there is something that you haven't done or maybe there's a sign your missing.
z3nfei OP t1_j0eli5m wrote
Reply to comment by 1firebringer in the watchers that come at 11:59 pm by z3nfei
Hm, I'll do research on them too.