
zappingbluelight t1_iuk73kd wrote

It's not about me yes, I'm just saying I hope op doesn't put every male out there as sexist, cuz there are a lot of people that are generally nice, so I hope she just don't go massive hate spree on every male. Never have I make it about me.

I also try to give op an solution, to just ignore the comments, and plays. I am sorry if the comment appear not the way it is intended.


zappingbluelight t1_iuk3ij7 wrote

Ouch I hope you don't generalize every male as them. They are toxic, but I also know a bunch of non toxic one that at most just call you dogwater(given they do that to guys as well).

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only male that find them cringy, but they exist, so best you can do is ignore them.