zardvark t1_jbgnntw wrote
Reply to comment by VariousAnybody in DuckDuckGo launches AI-powered search query answering tool by Hrmbee
He may be a crackpot, but in this particular case he is, nevertheless, accurate.
zardvark t1_jbg52dc wrote
I'm sorry, but Wikipedia is not an unbiased, authoritative source. Sure, on technical subjects you can frequently discover a lot of useful, factual information. But, many of their non-technical articles are drenched in woke, Leftist ideology. Even the founder of Wikipedia has criticized them for their propaganda:
It's time to find a new alternative to ddg.
zardvark t1_j8px1x6 wrote
Reply to comment by plazman30 in New keyboard came in today. Matias Laptop Pro for Mac by plazman30
You can say that again! If you like tactile switches, there are few options these days.
zardvark t1_j8okc7x wrote
+1 for Matias/Alps switches! <3
zardvark t1_j87mg22 wrote
Reply to comment by ThinkCry in Opera is planning to incorporate ChatGPT by Parking_Attitude_519
There is no need for AMC to censor anything. Hollywood preemptively self-censors their content, because they know full well that if they don't, their movies will be banned in China. Having said that, you can bet that you will never see an AMC board member say, or write anything critical of China, or the CCP.
NBA players, businesses, big tech and politicians all prostrate themselves and kiss the CCP's ass for a chance to stick their snouts into the CCP's trough and none of them will will risk doing anything that would interfere with their corrupt relationship.
zardvark t1_j870jbv wrote
Reply to comment by ThinkCry in Opera is planning to incorporate ChatGPT by Parking_Attitude_519
If you had bothered to read the attachment to the OP's post, you might have noticed:
>Parent company Kunlun Tech is based in Beijing ...
The developers may be in Norway, or Poland, or where ever, but the project is owned by the ChiComs. And since they own it, you'd better believe that the browser will conform to their demands.
zardvark t1_j86ghrw wrote
Reply to comment by BarryBosseran in Opera is planning to incorporate ChatGPT by Parking_Attitude_519
Opera is owned by the ChiComs. And if the ChiComs are inserting AI into their browser you can be sure that it will only provide results that are blessed by the CCP.
zardvark t1_j7whb84 wrote
Chinese AI ... what could possibly go wrong?
Thanks for the heads up so that I can avoid it.
zardvark t1_jc2nlpf wrote
Reply to comment by CalligrapherNo730 in DuckDuckGo launches AI-powered search query answering tool by Hrmbee
The useful idiots pile onto anything that does not meet the standards of neo-Marxist "thought." I put thought in quotes because these people are not capable of any original thought of their own. They are only capable of regurgitating Leftist dogma, like religious zealots.
They are also quite violent. I recently had one "type" out loud that anyone who does not agree with them should at a minimum be put in a gulag, but what they really deserved was to be gassed and stuffed into an oven. Of course a couple of hours later they deleted this series of comments ...
We are rapidly headed to a very ugly place!