
zerogee616 t1_j3fhl6p wrote

Dude, there's a reason that as soon as Uber showed up everybody dropped taxis like a hot potato ASAP and they had to resort to physically blocking roads and disruptive protests to get people to use them again.

Taxis suck. They've always sucked. They're expensive, they all try to scam the everliving dogshit out of you, "Black man can't get a cab" has been a thing for 50 years, and that's only in the places where taxis exist, which is not most places. Normally it takes effort and time to overcome the kind of institutional inertia something like taxi services have but man, taxis were just that fucking bad. Uber isn't perfect, but it sure as fuck beats a yellow cab.


zerogee616 t1_j2dtyz0 wrote

The app store has zero bearing on UI/UX. That was the result of a business philosophy decision to allow other parties on the platform. iPhones (and most smart phones in general) look, feel and control the same way, minus Apple and Android's specific differences. People liked it when it came out, basically made the playbook for smart phones and wasn't relegated to a niche product for 5 years like VR is and demand compromises from the user, because it did the job at the beginning.

I owned an iPod Touch around that time, with an app store. Minus technical capabilities, it's really, really not that much different in terms of user experience to a phone today.


zerogee616 t1_j2ce2v5 wrote

The first iPhone, from a UI/UX perspective, isn't really that different than what we have today. Sure, processing power, camera capabilities increased over the years, but the core product is similar in how it looks, acts and operates.

It also wasn't sold on a "It'll get better guys, I know it sucks now but you just gotta hang in there" promise, it did what it set out to do from the get-go and everybody just kept building on it.