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SaladandPeace t1_iquv65z wrote

Don’t think so. If you look closely at the top part, you can recognise the figures. Hole isn’t visible because we aren’t looking from the light.

If there was a light behind it, the trash wouldn’t be so bright. The picture would barely show the trash and only see tgz light behind it. Also, for it to get sharp edges from a cut out and still have it that big, that has to be a big cut out with massive space.

Physics don’t check out for cheating.

Also, we are talking about artists. Some of them will work a year on one art piece. Don’t underestimate them lol.


scruffywarhorse t1_iqvm717 wrote

  1. You may be right.
  2. I’m saying there is a light source hitting the trash and also a light source behind the trash. (Possibly!)
  3. I am an artist.

SaladandPeace t1_iqzgkzc wrote

In case of 2, you’d see a difference in the darkness of the shadow if that was the case.

For 3, me too, I would never have that patience though, lol


scruffywarhorse t1_ir1kq38 wrote

But I do see a difference in the darkness of the shadow.look over the right lower figure.


SaladandPeace t1_ir1q8f5 wrote

You’re right. I stand corrected. Still believe that it’s not fake though, but it might be